PA Services

missmoneypenny pa services provides professional, comprehensive and efficient office support by means of a vast range of secretarial services and otherwise, specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual businesses.
The missmoneypenny pa services team are able to perform all necessary duties required to ensure the smooth running of any office, including full secretarial support, shorthand dictation and minuting, audio transcription and all aspects of diary and event management.
Our services:
- Tailored Services
- Secretarial Services
- Executive Personal Assistant
- Lifestyle Management
- Business Minding
- Business Address
Based in the beautiful Willoughby House in the town centre of Stamford, Lincolnshire, close to the city of Peterborough and covering the surrounding areas of Oakham, Uppingham, Rutland, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, our virtual personal assistant service gives you control as to which tasks are performed, on an ‘as and when you need it’ basis, either remotely or on site in your offices. Crucially, you only pay for the services you use, thereby reducing costs and overheads associated with employing a full time member of staff. The cost of our service is extremely competitive to that of an employment agency, in addition to which you are guaranteed continuity of our assistance with the sole purpose of supporting your success. We operate an extremely simple and fair pricing structure, chargeable by the minute for all tasks undertaken, however complex they may be.
Please CLICK HERE to visit our website which contains further details of the many services offered. This list is certainly not exhaustive and therefore if a particular task or project is not listed, please contact us… the missmoneypenny pa services team will always relish a challenge!
For enquiries, please contact our proprietor, Penny Toulson, on 01780 482918 (office), 07931 489139 (mobile) or via email